27 Dec Project at Nuremberg
A 2 years collaboration with the Mummitz Theater, Nuremberg
« Memories/Erinnerungen » is a two-year project financed by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (the German Federal Cultural Foundation). As of February 2022, it will be directed by the Theater Mummpitz (Nuremberg, Germany), the Cie Gare Centrale (Brussels, Belgium) and the Akademie für Darstellende Kunst Bayern (the Academy for Performing Arts, Ratisbon, Germany). The project aims to investigate objects as a means of communication and as materialized memory in theatre for young audiences. Over the course of two years, professional artists and drama students will meet four times to see shows, to discuss aspects of object theatre and to participate in artistic workshops led by Agnès Limbos (Cie Gare Central). In the summer and autumn of 2023, a theatrical production directed by Agnès Limbos will be created at the Theater Mummpitz.